Content and Email Marketing by an IT Professional for IT Professionals


Customer Stories. Success Stories.

Call them what you will, a portfolio of exemplary case studies should be at the heart of any company's marketing strategy. Especially companies in the tech sector.

Prospective customers in the tech sector are notoriously difficult to sell to. Those involved in the buying process tend to be technically-minded and these people are the least susceptible to a hard sell. They don't trust sales people.

So who do they trust?

They trust people whose knowledge and experience is similar to their own, people who face the same problems and challenges, people they can relate to and empathise with. Enter the case study - the means by which your existing customers sell to your prospects, the ultimate testimonial, the ideal referral.

And what do you need from a copywriter that you employ to write these case studies?

Ideally, your copywriter will have a technical background and already be familiar with (or capable of understanding) your technology, or the principles underpinning your products or services. Even better, your copywriter will be able to relate to and empathise with your customers… as a peer.

You see, if your copywriter had real world experience similar to those of your customers, had made purchasing decisions for tech services or products, had advised clients on making those decisions, then he or she would be ideally placed to interview your customers and discover that hidden benefit, that nugget of information, that raises an average case study into an exceptional one. One that will speak to your prospects as a peer they can trust.

This is exactly what you'll be getting when you hire me to write your case studies.

Contact me for a free 30 minute project discovery consultation and a bespoke quote:


Promote. Engage. Campaign. Inform.

Reports of the death of email have been greatly exaggerated. This was true before Covid-19 changed everything, but in the absence of in person networking events you'll know that email is crucial to get your messages out to your customers and prospects.

If you want to:

  • Promote a product, service or special offer
  • Engage and build relationships with customers and prospects
  • Campaign effectively with a series of emails
  • Inform your customers and prospects

Then I can write these emails for you.

Remember, as an IT Consultant I used to be a customer of companies like yours. I know what works and what doesn't. I know what subject lines got me to open the email and what didn't. And I know what email copy prompted me to take action and what didn't.

Contact me for a free 30 minute project discovery consultation and a bespoke quote:


White Papers and Beyond

Do you want to generate the highest quality leads for your sales force?

Do you want your company to be seen as a thought leader in your sector?

Do you want to educate and inform your customers such that they turn to you first for information and help?

Do you want to build credibility or mindshare for a ground-breaking new technology, product or service?

Any business in any sector is likely to answer yes to at least one of those questions. But a business in the Information Technology or wider tech sector should be answering yes to all of them.

And if this is you, then publishing a white paper is essential. 

It is also essential that you hire a copywriter that is already familiar with (or capable of understanding) your technology, or the principles underpinning your products or services. One that is unfazed by the prospect of detailed technical research.

Do you want to hire a copywriter with hands-on experience in the technology sector and one that knows how to write an effective white paper? If so, then contact me for a free 30 minute consultation.

Or do you have other content marketing needs such as blog posts, articles, newsletters or online digital marketing content? 

Contact me for a free 30 minute project discovery consultation and a bespoke quote:

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