B2B Copywriting 

by an IT Professional

for IT Professionals

Get your content marketing copy written by a former IT Consultant that understands your products, your services, your technology and your customers.

Contact me for a free 30 minute project discovery consultation and a bespoke quote:


My Content and Email Marketing Services

Case studies. Customer stories. Success stories. Call them what you will, a portfolio of exemplary case studies should be at the heart of any tech company's marketing strategy.

This is my specialisation.

Do you need a one off promotional email? A relationship-building email? An email series or campaign? Or a simple information email?

I've got you covered.

White Papers? With my background as an IT Consultant you can be assured I won't be fazed by your technology or the research. But don't forget to ask me about blog posts, articles and other online copy.


“Adrian is synonymous with honesty, knowledge, experience and research” -

M. Justice, EMAE FM Account Manager

Adrian Raffill has spent his entire career involved in communications. For more than 25 years he provided the infrastructure that sends the message. Now he writes the messages that get sent, often about the technology sending it.


Case studies, white papers, blog posts, emails and e-newsletters are the stories that communicate your ideas to your customers and prospects, converting them into buyers. Get them written by a copywriter that understands your products, your services, your technology, and your customers.

Do You Have A Project?

I'd Love To Hear About It.

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